Tinker – the colorful horse breed
The colorful Tinker has become an integral part of Germany's pastures. In the 1990s it became increasingly popular, especially among recreational riders.
And of course there are good reasons for this, because these horses are robust, easy to feed and intelligent. Furthermore, they have a very balanced character and do not shy away from every tree trunk. Their curiosity has a positive effect on ground work and also when riding.
Originally, the gentle horses were work horses for the non-settled population and were primarily bred as draft animals.
Therefore, Tinkers are not suitable as show jumping or dressage horses; due to their build they cannot overcome high obstacles and the gathering required in dressage is difficult for them.
They have a stocky and strong-boned build, pronounced pasterns, lush long hair and often a ram's head. The appearance is impressive, these horses are quite small, compact and muscular. The straight head with the large eyes and the broad forehead should be carried upright, the neck is well muscled and the shoulders strong. The hooves are large and covered with coverings.
Dapples are particularly common on the Tinker horse, although all other coat colors are also permitted.
Whether flight behavior or herd instinct - the natural instincts of these noble creatures extend into domestication. It is simply innate that your friend suspects there is a predator behind a rustling bush. Does your horse perhaps not feel like leaving the stable? This is also a primal instinct. The herd gives him protection. It has learned this over thousands of years of evolution. Therefore we should take it seriously. Punishing such reactions would be a mistake. It is better to build trust and show the horse that he can rely on you.
Other names for the Tinker horse are Irish Tinker or Gypsy Cob. These horses of the Irish Cob breed are recognized in Germany as Tinkers by the FN. Horses of the Irish Cob breed can also be registered in the studbooks. Horses of this breed have characteristics of pony, cold-blooded and warm-blooded horses, although the overall appearance is more reminiscent of a small cold-blooded horse, as the height of the Gypsy Cob is in the range of 135 to 160 centimeters.
In terms of size, most horses of this breed could be described as ponies (animals with a height of 148 centimeters are recognized as ponies). The Tinker horse originally comes from Great Britain and Ireland, they are mainly bred in Europe and are widespread worldwide.
The Irish Tinker is a good leisure horse as well as a good-natured therapy horse. It is precisely the level-headed character that is crucial when used in these areas. A therapy horse must react fearlessly and towards people at all times. The curiosity of these horses ensures that the horse cooperates in the therapy in an open-minded and motivated manner.
It is particularly suitable as a leisure horse because of its fearlessness. The Tinker horse behaves calmly and calmly in the terrain, making rides in nature a wonderful experience. The dynamic and expansive movements and the good galloping ability make this horse a good partner in leisure activities. And of course this horse is particularly suitable as a carriage horse, as that is what it was originally bred for.
Tinker horses are often offered as weight carriers, but this is misleading. Many horses of this breed are prone to a slumped back or back damage due to their high uprightness and poor gathering ability. They need good back training to build back muscles and are therefore not designed to carry heavy equestrian loads.
It is also important to ensure that the Tinker is not given too many nutrients when feeding, as he tends to become fat, which is harmful to the entire musculoskeletal system. Because the metabolism is optimized to extract maximum energy from meager feed and to use as little energy as possible.
The roughage in Germany is sufficient to feed a tinker horse, no additional concentrated feed should be given and the horse should be exercised continuously. If you take this into account, the Tinker horse is an ideal leisure partner!
Animalons brush recommendation for the Tinker:
The Tinker's pasterns require special care. With this hoof brush made of natural palm bristles you can easily give your horse beautiful poofs.
With the help of our Mane & Tail Brush you can effortlessly untangle and smoothly brush through your Tinker's stunning mane and elegant tail.
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