Box rest for your horse - how can you relieve your horse's boredom?
We know that horses are running animals and need a lot of exercise every day. It's nice if we can provide them with this in the form of varied training, daily paddling with other dogs, using a walker or treadmill and, in the best case, with a species-appropriate attitude. But what if the beloved friend dies due to an illness diagnosis (e.g. b Tendon damage in the horse) suddenly has to “guard the box”? Everyone will immediately throw their hands over their heads.
Instructions: Box rest for the horse - this has to be digested! Do not get discouraged! Look, one of our tips can definitely help you!
Veterinary advice must be followed
Unfortunately, every now and then there is an illness that requires the horse to be given exactly this kind of “protection” in order to be able to fully recover. Whether the horse's tendon damage forces it to do so or even an operation has taken place beforehand - the result is the same: your hottie has to take a back seat. This is the only way affected tissue can regenerate or the animal's stricken organism can recover. Even if you don't like the instructions, you should follow them! Your horse will do it with Yours Help!
Sedatives in horses should not be an option for now! You will see that with one or two tips the time will pass quickly. You can then carefully train your horse again and not lose so much of the horse's muscles!
Toys for horses
Employment horse box rest - keywords that are open to playful ideas. There are some nice options available from specialist retailers. A play ball can make the horse's time a little easier. There are many variations: from hanging handle balls to holey food balls. With the latter, you have the option of hiding hay or carrots and treats. A dangling lick in a ball can also banish boredom in the box

Nibble wooden devices are great. Similar to a lick stone holder, thicker pieces of branches are held in place. Attention: Make sure you use wood that is suitable for horses (e.g. b fruit tree wood)! A few willow and hazel branches can also be placed loosely in the box or paddock. Your friend will love carefully peeling away the juicy rind. There really isn't a more natural toy for horses!
Feed bags (can be filled with hay) with holes that swing freely in the room are also quite useful. This free swinging is important - this is the only way this stimulation remains challenging! So there is hardly any boredom in the box, as the four-legged friend is busy trying to get his portion of food.
Mental work and spa care are permitted
Box rest for horses is difficult, but doable. Maybe you can make time for your partner throughout the day instead of just once a day. If necessary, ask a kind, helpful person to come and have fun with your horse! Then banish the boredom in the box with unusual training! Small tricks (e.g. b Flehmen on command or saying yes and no) are great for keeping the horse mentally occupied.
Or give your cuddly cheek the chance to grab treats by rolling up and unrolling a small carpet.
Even clickers can still be practiced in a confined space. Whether in combination with the tricks described or with stretching exercises for the head and neck - it works!
Enjoy your loved one with an extensive wellness program! Every horse enjoys a massage during box rest. Gentle circular brushing also contributes to relaxation, as does careful tail picking. Let your horse know that keeping the horse busy while he is resting in the box can be quite pleasant! It also strengthens your bond immensely. So you're on the right track and you'll get through the standing time quickly! After all, your companion is worth every effort!
Our Animalon massage curry comb is perfect for a massage session for our “patients”. Thanks to its rounded rubber nubs, the use is guaranteed to be a feel-good experience and ensures pure relaxation for your horse. Like all of our CareFlex brushes, the massage curry comb is super flexible and reaches almost every part of the body. In addition, the massage with the curry comb promotes your pet's blood circulation and can even relieve unpleasant tension caused by the "standing time".
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