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Article: Winter Fitness – this is how you keep your horse fit even in winter

Winter Fitness – so hältst Du Dein Pferd auch im Winter fit

Winter Fitness – this is how you keep your horse fit even in winter

Are you dreading the thought of the winter months ahead? If you belong to the “shiver-freeze-featherbed” faction, you will know why. It's not just the clock that changes from summer to winter time. Our whole process and body has to change again.

And if that weren't enough, the changes can also be felt in the horse. The fluffy plush covers the horse's body, the paddock season is coming to an end and the horse's muscles are clearly deteriorating due to less exercise.

Take a break from training in the winter for many riders. But does it have to be that way?

Doesn't it make much more sense to use the cooler temperatures (without buzzing pests, mind you!) to give the horse a boost in fitness? After all, there are countless ways to keep the running animal(!) horse usefully occupied.

Let's be honest: it's often because of our inner weaker self, isn't it? How you can quickly get rid of annoying animals. We would be happy to tell you how you can do something good for yourself and your horse in winter.

Work thoughtfully and be adaptable!

Yes, the weather often regulates our mood. Nevertheless, we should pull ourselves together, pull suitable clothes from the depths of the closet (sheepskin underwear is great!) and make our way to the horse. Maybe the hot cocoa in the thermos and a piece of mom's cake is a nice incentive to get going? Even bad weather shopping at the equestrian store reactivates the desire. After all, a chic new scarf and a cozy vest need to be presented.

It's raining. No problem. Practice calmness with your sweetheart. The pelting rain on your umbrella and rain jacket can be enough of a challenge for some hotties. Autumn and winter are also windy. Many horses react anxiously to the sounds of leaves and wind. Here are small exercises (e.g. b It makes sense to install fluttering tape curtains that increase trust in you. Walking a lot can also help your animal relax. It's the regularity that counts.

A clear plus is a training plan for the horse. It helps you not to lose the common thread. Whether it's walks, lunge work, equikinetic or extensive pole training - it's in your hands and you can do it in a variety of ways. It also gives you an overview of the units you have already completed. If you share the tasks with a lovely riding partner - all the better. Then your training plan complements itself and the horse's muscles have the best chance of building up.

Discover Equikinetic for yourself

Good equipment is the be-all and end-all

And the highlight: It actually doesn't take much effort. All you need is a few lines, a timer (work is done in short intervals), a cavesson, a lunge and a whip. Using a square volt placed, your horse learns to hold the bend. Breaks, indicated by timers, give the horse a time rhythm. The following applies: Start with a few minutes (leading into position) and increase slowly! It is a very intensive training program. Real head and body work for your sweetheart. If you want to do it “profilike”, the courses and books are highly recommended.

Long work without monotony

Lungeing today is more than just letting the horse spin round after round. If cavaletti are installed, pylons are used, small jumps are integrated or a tarpaulin is laid out on the ground, the horse is definitely offered variety.

Enlarging and reducing circles, changing tempos and stop and go exercises prepare the horse wonderfully for further work in the saddle. Double lunge work in particular makes the horse routine and refines the aids for later riding.

The plus for your horse: He learns to walk in a relaxed manner because he doesn't have to pay attention to the rider. Your horse's muscles will improve significantly.

Tip: If possible, use the entire riding arena!

Bar training for the stomach, legs and buttocks

Whether on the lunge or under the rider - poles should be part of the training plan. It promotes clean gaits in horses and has an absolutely positive effect on all muscle groups.

Your horse learns to estimate distances and lift his legs/belly (six pack hello!). As a raised cavaletti, the momentum goes upwards. The thrust of the hindquarters is optimally activated. This advanced training can give horses an extra dose of strength.

Ground work a la horsemanship

A nice example of horsemanship units is given by: b Parelli in front. His 7 games are legendary and will help you and your sweetheart get along better together. Technically and equestrianly. No matter what equestrian discipline you come from. Some instructors give courses in Germany. Registration should be done quickly as places are in high demand.

Circus music

This type of horse activity will certainly put both of them in a good mood. Horses are naturally curious and enjoy discovering new things (for a treat or two). The most amazing circus lessons can be rehearsed with horses of all ages.

Compliment, Spanish step & Co are great for gymnastics and a pleasant change from the otherwise tight horse training schedule. As with Equikinetic, many muscle groups are required. A great addition to riding!

Going off-road in winter?

But something like that. Of course, the floor must be checked for suitability beforehand. However, if there is mud and ice, the riding arena/hall is the safer choice. In particular, a long, brisk walk (especially over hilly terrain!) gives you muscle and increases your endurance. A saddle skin cover keeps your bottom warm and a kidney blanket placed over your thighs could provide additional warmth.

If you also use the area in winter, your partner will be much more relaxed in the spring. Such trips should definitely be part of your horse's training plan! Because: There are really many great winter days (clear air, blue sky with sun) that just scream “OUT”. That's true, isn't it?

Tip: Download a weather app onto your cell phone. This way you can plan better in advance.

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