Riding while pregnant
In most cases, riding is not just a hobby that you give up when your life circumstances change. For many horse people, the horse is a passion, an attitude to life, an attitude to life. But women in particular are at a point in their lives where everything can change.
Do I want a child? Or do I choose a career? Is it possible to bring everything together? What happens to my passion, my four-legged partner, if I decide to have a child?
The answers to these questions can be very diverse. This article would like to give a few suggestions to make your decision easier.
First of all, the following question arises:
Is riding during pregnancy harmful to the health of me and my child?
Well, this question cannot be answered in general. Many doctors will advise against riding while pregnant. The sporting risks are higher when riding than with other sports such as swimming or yoga, as the horse partner represents another risk factor. Furthermore, riding skills can be very different in nature. You should be able to assess yourself and your horse yourself.
How does my horse react to possible sources of danger and how relaxed am I with my horse? What level are my riding skills? Do I ride all the time in everyday life, or just occasionally?
The more inexperienced you or your horse are, the less sense it makes to get into the saddle during pregnancy. However, if you are an experienced and trained rider and your horse is more of a "life insurance" than a sensitive horse, then from a medical and sporting perspective there is nothing that stands in the way of riding during pregnancy.
On the contrary, riding has a positive effect on health, blood pressure is reduced, oxygen supply is increased, and active mothers suffer less from back pain. Better fitness also has a positive effect on the health of mother and child.
The right breeches are no problem: the maternity breeches help you continue your hobby without any problems. There are various manufacturers who offer maternity breeches with an elastic waistband, which grow with you until the end of your pregnancy, so you don't have to worry about having to squeeze into your usual breeches.
Inform yourself about different manufacturers and choose the maternity breeches that suit you.
If you have decided not to give up your beloved hobby during pregnancy, don't make the mistake and discuss your decision with friends, doctors, midwives or grandmas. Because there will be many people who will try to badmouth you about this decision.
The child's father should still be involved because he is significantly involved in all decisions that affect your child. Furthermore, it is important not to react carelessly but also not to react paranoidly. You are pregnant, not sick, but it doesn't have to be a world record in show jumping or a long distance. Always listen to your feeling. What is good for you? Where are there perhaps limits? Always listen to your body and decide what you can expect of yourself and your horse. If you consider these things, put on your maternity breeches and nothing will stand in the way of riding while pregnant!
However, if you decide to stop riding while pregnant, there are still a number of options other than selling your horse.
For one thing, you could spend time with your horse without riding. Intensive horse care, ground work or walks can be an alternative. This gives you very intensive contact with your four-legged friend, which will also benefit you after your pregnancy. And your horse will enjoy this horse care!
Another option is to make your horse available. Here it is possible to draw up a contract with the rider that specifies an exact time frame for this. You don't want to make your horse available? Maybe horseback riding is a good option for you. This means your horse is in its familiar surroundings, you still have enough time and opportunity to care for the horse and your riding participation takes care of riding your horse. If your horse is still young and inexperienced, there is still the option of placing it in experienced hands for riding.
So you have a well-trained horse after pregnancy. If you have a mare that ideally also has good papers, you could consider whether you would like to raise a foal from her.
If your horse is calm and experienced, it makes little sense to sell the horse. It will definitely be a good family horse and a good teacher for your child.
Whether you decide to give your horse a ride, sell your horse, organize a riding participation for your horse, make your horse available or turn your four-legged friend into a family horse, you will find the right decision for you you, your horse and your life situation.
We wish you all the best for you and your family!
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