Haflinger horses are one of the most popular horse breeds with a fantastic mane, extremely comfortable to sit on and very sure-footed. Whether in front of the carriage, at dressage and jumping competitions, at western tournaments and even in distance sports - the compact pony accelerates and is an extremely versatile all-round talent!
Visual appearance of the small powerhouses
You don't know what a Haflinger looks like?
Of course! You are certainly familiar with these foxes with flowing, blonde long hair. And these wonderful horses actually only come in exactly this color. Namely: F u c h s! The proportions of foxes vary somewhat. From the brightest light fox with an almost white mane to the golden fox to the much darker cabbage fox, everything is allowed. Only prickly hairs and stains are not welcome.
This pony is a great climate resister. Despite cold temperatures, it puts on a particularly thick, protective winter coat. He cannot deny his Alpine origins. With sufficient care, the Haflinger from Tyrol is a feast for the eyes even in winter.
Head badges such as: b the flake or a continuous blaze. These give the Haflinger an individual, very attractive face. So not every fox is just a fox!
The ponies, which stand between 1.37 - 1.49 cm tall, have a chic, noble head with large, expressive eyes. Small ears and a wide nostrils complete the whole thing.
Bavaria's horses in elegant blonde color have a well-muscled neck, a shapely, muscular back and a powerful hindquarters. People often talk about the “Alpine Quarter”. This pony can definitely afford this pet name! It is not uncommon for the Haflinger to simply outshine other horse breeds. We just say strong horses!
Legs with good cannon circumference and dry joints provide a good basis. Firm, hard hooves are also part of this perfect exterior.
Strong horses - you can also see that in their movements. Quite spacious gaits are a feature of ponies. Once again, their sure-footedness and the elasticity that the “little ones” bring with them is worth mentioning!
Important: Haflingers are one of the easy-to-feed horse breeds. This means that you should pay attention to proper nutrition! In the worst case, there is a risk of laminitis, EMS or other serious illnesses.
The pony is tough, frugal and has strong nerves. The character is friendly and willing to work. Unfortunately, the Haflinger is often said to be stubborn and stubborn. This shows that the Arabian's temperament and willpower are taken into account in his breeding. But negative traits are ultimately due to a lack of training and not the influence of genes! Fundamentally, a Haflinger foal is like any young horse. Curious and open-minded. With species-appropriate rearing, proper training and a lot of love, every Hafi becomes a committed partner!
The Haflinger horses have their origins in South Tyrol. Due to the challenging terrain and the changing altitudes, robust, undemanding horses were needed. Places like Hafling are located exactly in this landscape and this village was probably also the namesake of the breed. Haflinger Tyrol - they simply belong together. The pretty pony has become an integral part of the lush alpine meadows.
The main breeding areas are in Italy (here the Haflinger is also called Avelengnese), Austria and Germany. Good breeders value a noble head, expression and a stable foundation. At the Bavarian Foal Auction, healthy Haflinger foals with solid pedigree from reputable breeders are sold at a fair price. These offspring are Bavaria's first-class horses and are in no way inferior to their proud stallion fathers.
There is a purebred Haflinger and, for several years now, the so-called Edelblut Haflinger (Haflinger with more than 1.56% Arabian blood). Both horse breeds have their own stud book!
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