Horse breeds
For the sporty Thoroughbreds, such as the Arabian, this is the Basic Set ideal that turns the daily horse grooming routine into a feel-good experience.
The horse breeds of the Warmblood Hannoverian, Friesian and Quarter Horse delight with smooth fur and a well-groomed mane. The Careflex Set includes various horse brushes that ensure the special shine of the horse's fur is maintained. The mane brush is also recommended here to take good care of the great mane and to provide a healthy basis for braiding the mane.
Among the cold-blooded horses the Shire Horse makes many riders' hearts beat faster with its long mane and long pasterns. The Deluxe Set offers, among other things, a hoof brush that allows for a smooth pastern and a mane brush that brushes the magnificent mane with ease.
For the fluffy, sweet ponies it is usually necessary to thoroughly clean the long-haired fur. In this case, Shetland ponies, Icelandic horses, German riding ponies and Fjord horses are particularly happy about the massage curry comb, which is available alongside other horse brushes for complete cleaning in the Premium Set . Haflingers in particular don't want to be without an additional mane brush that can tame their beautiful mane and create dynamic styling.