
Nice to welcome you to our website. Here you can find out everything about the popular brushes from Animalon. We are the brush start-up from the Lower Rhine. Our goal is to make daily horse care a ...
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How horse care strengthens the bond with the horse
Are you still scrubbing or wellness are you already? I've always wanted to write this sentence 😉 In fact, there is a serious core behind the funny question. Because how we clean influences the...
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Effective cleaning of your horse - How to do it right! You come to the stable after work/school and your darling looks at you mischievously from the paddock. But all that sparkles ar...
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Sub-zero temperatures in winter, bikini weather in summer: the seasons determine whether we dress airy or combine several layers in an onion look. Our partner horse is also prepared for the ch...
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Dressage horse, western horse or more of a leisure horse? Which horse is suitable for which division of equestrianism? Not all horses are the same. There are also some differences in the suita...
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Ground work - boring nonsense or varied training opportunity for horse and rider? A rumor that persists among riders: Ground work is boring. Let's take a closer look at whether there is any t...
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Why are horses sheared in winter?
Dear Winterfell! Every year in autumn it's that time again, winter fur is approaching! And your beloved horse mutates into a teddy bear (some even into a grizzly bear?) If your riding style is...
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Sub-zero temperatures in winter, bikini weather in summer: the seasons determine whether we dress airy or combine several layers in an onion look. Our partner horse is also prepared for the change ...
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