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Rissige Hufe zum Sommeranfang. Ursachen, Symptome & Tipps

Cracked hooves at the beginning of summer. Causes, symptoms & tips

Rissige Hufe zum Sommeranfang. Ursachen, Symptome & Tipps

Cracked hooves at the beginning of summer. Causes, symptoms & tips

Cracked hooves – what can you do about it? A problem that causes a lot of headaches for many riders in Germany is dry or brittle hooves. This problem often occurs at the beginning of summer, when...

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Sommerekzem Pferd

Sweet itch horse

When it becomes friendlier and sunnier outside again, we look forward to a carefree time in nature, but a horse disease tends to strike especially at the most beautiful time of the year: sweet...

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Die 4 besten Tipps gegen Langeweile im Stall
Stall Tipps

The 4 best tips to combat boredom in the stable

The yawning boredom in the stable: Horse keeping always presents us with new challenges. This should be as fair to horses as possible and at the same time offer optimal training opportunities. Re...

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5 Tipps Weidesaison
Stall Tipps

5 tips for pasture season

Grazing the 5 best tips for a good start to the grazing season Spring is just around the corner. Now it's time to graze. We'll give you the 5 best tips to help you start the grazing seas...

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Das Dülmener Wildpferd – der kleine Graue aus dem Merfelder Bruch

The Dülmen wild horse – the little gray one from the Merfelder Bruch

They really exist. Wild horses living freely in Germany. Up to 400 animals live in harmony with nature on a completely natural area of ​​around 3.6 square kilometers in a nature reserve near D...

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