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Atemwegserkrankungen beim Pferd – interessante Fakten

Respiratory diseases in horses – interesting facts

Atemwegserkrankungen beim Pferd – interessante Fakten

Respiratory diseases in horses – interesting facts

Healthy lung function is very important for the horse as an exercise animal. In fact, there are a lot of riding horses that are affected by respiratory diseases such as COPD or COB. Coughing i...

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Isländer - die zierlichen Tänzer

Icelanders - the delicate dancers

It's hard to imagine today's equestrian sport without them - the handy little ones with the enchantingly fluffy mane and incomparable robustness. In this country they are affectionately called...

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Reittherapie – Hilfe mit besonderer Kraft

Riding therapy – help with special power

Since around 450 BC. BC In the years of the well-known Hippocrates, we knew about the beneficial value of the horse's movements on human health. The profound, healing effect takes place due to...

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Riding pads

A saddler would probably throw his arms above his head if you asked him about a good riding pad. No protection for the horse's back, no support for the rider, how can a harmonious coexistence ...

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Wanderreiten – Feriengenuss auf dem Pferderücken

Trail riding – holiday enjoyment on horseback

Is there anything nicer than roaming through forests and fields with your four-legged partner, traveling through valleys and exploring new landscapes in the saddle every day? Waking...

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Sicher im Gelände – der Weg nach draußen

Safe off-road – the way out

A relaxed ride into the great outdoors is every riding student's dream. But cross-country riding is also a top priority for horse owners. Recreational riding is booming and equestrian sports a...

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Bioresonanz bei Pferden

Bioresonance in horses

Bioresonance therapy is used by us humans to alleviate a variety of complaints. Electromagnetic vibrations are sent via metal electrodes. The method is based on the approach that every cell ge...

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Rimondo Podcast – Interview mit Animalon

Rimondo Podcast – Interview with Animalon

Our first interview at Rimondo On the 20th05.In 2019, the Animalon team made their way to Rimondo in Münster. There we were invited to our very first interview and were really lookin...

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Koppen beim Pferd – Wissenswertes zum Thema!

Cribbing on horses – interesting facts about the topic!

Let me tell you one thing in advance: It's not a pretty scenery, but ultimately it's not the end of the world either! It is not a real horse disease due to health problems! Let us rather descr...

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Wurmkur beim Pferd

Worm treatment for horses

With the start of the grazing season, horse owners are dealing with a vexing issue of horse care: deworming horses. Worms can occur in horses not only in summer, but at all times of the year. ...

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